“Sse-Sse-Sse”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
Performance, water, mirror, 2023
Solo show “Niemand da - 7 Performances an 7 Tagen”, basis Projektraum - basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Group show “basis SOMMERSCHAU", basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024
Small puddles, a single mirror, and water reflections from the lights surround the space. The performance <Sse-Sse-Sse> is based on the first modern Korean children’s song “Half Moon” (1924) and the associated clapping game. The artist plays the children’s game “Sse Sse Sse” alone with friends and family, clapping her hand on the water on the floor and finally in front of a mirror. The lack of a playmate is emphasized by objects and sounds that hit the palm of the hand.
The work depicts the lack of relationship and the resulting emotions through the artist’s gestures, the relationship between light and shadow, the tangible yet intangible nature of water, and the friction in the context/motif of “play”, the act of being together.
Kleine Pfützen, ein einzelner Spiegel und Lichtreflexe hüllen den Raum ein. Die Performance <Sse-Sse-Sse> ist inspiriert vom ersten modernen koreanischen Kinderlied „Bandal“ (1924) und dem damit verbundenen Klatschspiel. Die Künstlerin klatscht auf dem Boden und vor einem Spiegel in die Hände und setzt damit das Spiel „Sse-Sse-Sse“ fort, das sie früher allein mit ihren Freunden und ihrer Familie gespielt hat. Die Abwesenheit der Spielkameraden wird durch die Gegenstände und Geräusche, die auf die Handflächen treffen, unterstrichen. Die Arbeit zeigt die Abwesenheit von Beziehungen und die daraus resultierenden Emotionen durch die Gesten der Künstlerin, die Beziehung zwischen Licht und Schatten, die greifbaren und nicht greifbaren Qualitäten des Wassers und die Reibung innerhalb des Kontextes/Motivs des „Spiels“, einem Akt der Zusammengehörigkeit.
작은 물웅덩이들과 거울 하나, 조명에 반사된 물빛이 공간을 감싸고 있다. 퍼포먼스 <Sse-Sse-Sse>(쎄쎄쎄)는 한국 최초의 근대 동요 ‘반달’(1924)과 그에 얽힌 박수 치기 놀이를 모티브로 한 작품이다. 작가는 바닥 물에, 그리고 거울 앞에서 손뼉을 치며 친구, 가족들과 함께하던 ‘쎄쎄쎄’ 놀이를 홀로 이어간다. 그렇게 놀이 상대방의 부재는 손바닥에 부딪히는 물체와 소리로 강조된다. 이 작업은 작가의 몸 짓, 빛과 그림자의 관계, 물의 유형적이면서도 무형적인 특성 그리고 함께 하는 행위인 ‘놀이’의 맥락/모티브 내의 마찰을 통해 관계의 부재와 그로 인한 감정을 묘사한다.
“Sse-Sse-Sse”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
“Sse-Sse-Sse”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
“Sse-Sse-Sse”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
“Sse-Sse-Sse”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Hyunju Oh
Space supported by
basis Frankfurt e.V., Germany