“wortlos”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
Performance, Korean newspaper, blanket, walnuts, hammer, 2023
Solo show “Niemand da - 7 Performances an 7 Tagen”, basis Projektraum - basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
A grandfather smashes a hard walnut shell with a hammer onto a piece of newspaper and gives it to his granddaughter, who stares at the walnut in front of him. The performance <wortlos> (EN: wordless) reconstructs a moment of communication without words between a grandfather and his granddaughter, in which the performer is alone with an object called “walnut”. In this work, the artist plays between the perspectives of a “grandfather” and a “granddaughter”. The performance, which is at once a moment of remembrance and a confrontation with absence, uses everyday objects and actions to illuminate the small but important significance of (inter)personal dialogue and silent language.
Ein Großvater schlägt eine harte Walnussschale mit einem Hammer auf ein Stück Zeitungspapier und gibt sie seiner Enkelin, die die Walnuss vor ihm anstarrt. Die Performance <wortlos> rekonstruiert einen Moment der Kommunikation ohne Wörter zwischen einem Großvater und seiner Enkelin, in dem der Performer allein mit einem Objekt namens “Walnuss” ist. In dieser Arbeit spielt die Künstlerin zwischen den Perspektiven eines “Großvaters” und einer “Enkelin”. Die Performance, die gleichzeitig ein Moment der Erinnerung und eine Konfrontation mit der Abwesenheit ist, verwendet alltägliche Objekte und Handlungen, um die kleine, aber wichtige Bedeutung des (inter)persönlichen Dialogs und der stummen Sprache zu beleuchten.
신문지 위에 단단한 호두껍질을 망치로 깨서 손녀에게 주는 할아버지, 그리고 그의 앞에서 호두만 바라보며 기다리는 한 손녀. 퍼포먼스 <wortlos>(KR: 무언)는 “호두”라는 오브제와 함께 할아버지와 손녀 사이 말 없는 소통의 시간을 퍼포머 홀로 재현한다. 이 작업은 작가가 “할아버지”와 “손녀”의 두 관점을 오가며 행위를 펼친다. 회상의 시간과 동시에 부재를 마주하게 될 이 퍼포먼스는 일상적인 오브제와 행위를 통해 사소하지만 큰 의미인 (개인간의) 대화의 시간과 침묵의 언어에 조명한다.
“wortlos”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
“wortlos”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
“wortlos”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
“wortlos”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Hyunju Oh
Space supported by
basis Frankfurt e.V., Germany