
mit mir (EN: with me) (2023)

“mit mir”, performance, Kunsthochschule Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 2024

mit mir

Performance, cloth pebbles (with old handkerchief and small stones), 2023

  • Solo show “Niemand da - 7 Performances an 7 Tagen”, basis Projektraum - basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023

  • Group Show" “Bing Bing”, Kunsthochschule Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 2024

  • Group show “basis SOMMERSCHAU", basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024


The work “mit mir” (EN: with me) is a performance based on the Korean folk game “Gong-Gi Game”. (Gong-Gi Game: throw several stones on the ground, then throw one stone upwards, pick up the remaining stones and catch them before they fall. The game has several levels.) This game of skill, originally played with a few small animal bones, has been played for thousands of years in many variations all over the world, e.g. “Knuclebones” in Europe/USA, “Kugellach” in Israel, “Gutte” in India, and “Cinco Marias” in Brazil. (The game has largely disappeared, however). The audience is confronted with a solo performer sitting still on the floor in a large exhibition space. The acrobatic nature of the game and the tension involved keeps the performer focused on the game for several minutes. The solo performance creates a contradictory situation in which loneliness and comfort coexist.


Die Arbeit <mit mir> ist eine Performance, die auf dem koreanischen Volksspiel “Gonggi Spiel” basiert. (Gonggi-Spiel: mehrere Steine auf den Boden werfen, dann einen Stein nach oben werfen, die restlichen Steine aufheben und auffangen, bevor sie fallen. Das Spiel hat mehrere Levels). Dieses Geschicklichkeitsspiel mit ursprünglich mehreren kleinen Tierknochen ist seit Jahrtausenden in vielen Varianten auf der ganzen Welt verbreitet, z.B. “Knuclebones” in Europa/USA, “Kugellach” in Israel, “Gutte” in Indien und “Cinco Marias” in Brasilien. (Das Spiel ist aber weitestgehend verschwunden.) Das Publikum wird mit einer Solo-Performerin konfrontiert, die in einem großen Ausstellungsraum still auf dem Boden sitzt. Der akrobatische Charakter des Spiels und die damit verbundene Spannung halten die Performerin minutenlang auf das Spiel konzentriert. Das Solospiel schafft eine widersprüchliche Situation, in der Einsamkeit und Behaglichkeit nebeneinander existieren.


퍼포먼스 <mit mir>(EN: with me)는 한국 민속놀이 ‘공기놀이’를 모티브로 한다. 본래 작은 동물의 뼈와 조약돌로 했던 이 게임은 유럽/미국의 ‘뉴클레어본’, 이스라엘의 ‘쿠겔라흐’, 인도의 ‘구테’, 브라질의 ‘친코 마리아스’ 등 전 세계에서 수천 년 동안 다양한 변형으로 진행되어 왔다. (그러나 현재 이 게임은 대부분 사라진 상태이다) 관객은 넓은 전시 공간에서 바닥에 가만히 앉아 있는 솔로 퍼포머와 마주하게 된다. 게임의 곡예적인 특성과 긴장감으로 인해 퍼포머는 몇 분 동안 게임에만 집중하게 된다. 이 솔로 퍼포먼스는 외로움과 편안함이 공존하는 모순적인 상황을 연출하는 작업이다. 


  • Performance:

    Concept by Hyunju Oh

    Performer: Hyunju Oh

  • Documentation:

    Hyunju Oh

  • Space supported by

    basis Frankfurt e.V., Germany, 2023