
Mul (2024)

“Mul”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024


Performance, fabric, water, bucket, 2024

  • Solo performance “OMA MA A - 7 Stunden 7 Performances“, basis Frankfurt Projektraum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024


The performance <Mul> (EN: Water) begins with the act of repeatedly dipping and removing a long white cloth from water. It is a solo performance that presents a slow, meditative approach to a traditionally female activity: washing by hand.

The white cloth, soaked, crumpled and hanging helplessly, takes on a different presence when juxtaposed with the performer. The sound of each drop falling to the ground can be clearly heard in the silence of the room as the artist slowly squeezes the water out of the cloth with her foot.

As the water runs off and seeps into the ground, the small pieces of cloth are dipped back into the bucket, wrung out and knotted individually into a long piece of cloth, and then the artist stands again in front of the long piece of cloth lying on the ground, covered with water. With a long sigh, the artist reaches for the knotted cloth and beats himself heavily on the chest as he approaches the hanging cloth.

The performance, consisting of four scenes, reveals relationships through the metaphor of material and experiments with the interaction between objects and performers.


Die Performance <Mul> (Water) beginnt mit dem Akt des wiederholten Eintauchens und Herausziehens eines langen weißen Tuches aus dem Wasser und ist eine Soloperformance, die eine langsame, meditative Annäherung an eine traditionelle weibliche Tätigkeit darstellt: das Waschen mit der Hand.

Das weiße Tuch, durchnässt, zerknittert und hilflos herabhängend, erhält eine andere Präsenz, wenn es der Performerin gegenübergestellt wird. Das Geräusch jedes Tropfens, der auf den Boden fällt, ist in der Stille des Raumes deutlich zu hören, während die Künstlerin mit dem Fuß langsam das Wasser aus dem Tuch drückt. Während das Wasser abläuft und auf dem Boden versickert, werden die kleinen Stoffstücke wieder in den Eimer getaucht, ausgewrungen und einzeln zu einem langen Stück Stoff verknotet, und dann steht die Künstlerin wieder vor dem langen Stück Stoff, das mit Wasser bedeckt auf dem Boden liegt. Mit einem langen Seufzer greift der Künstler nach dem verknoteten Tuch und schlägt sich schwer auf die Brust, während er sich dem hängenden Tuch nähert.

Die aus vier Szenen bestehende Performance enthüllt Beziehungen durch die Metapher des Materials und experimentiert mit der Interaktion zwischen Objekten und Darstellern. 


긴 흰색 천을 여러 번 물에 담갔다 들어 올리는 행위로 시작하는 작업 <Mul>(물)은 전통적인 여성의 이미지 중 하나인 ‘손빨래’를 느리고 명상적인 태도로 접근하는 솔로 퍼포먼스이다. 물이 흐르고, 구겨지다, 힘 없이 걸린 흰 천은 퍼포머와 마주하게 되면서 또 다른 존재성으로 비친다. 바닥으로 한 방울씩 떨어지는 소리는 고요한 공간에서 또렷이 들려오고, 작가는 동시에 천에 머금고 있는 물을 발로 천천히 짓누르며 계속해서 짜낸다. 물이 바닥으로 흐르고 스며드는 동안, 작은 자투리 천들을 다시 양동이에 담그고 짜내어 긴 천에 하나씩 매듭짓는다. 그리곤 다시 물과 함께 바닥으로 길게 놓인 천 앞에 다시 마주한다. 긴 한숨을 내쉬는 작가는 연결된 천을 움켜쥐어 걸려진 천 앞으로 다가가면서 가슴을 크게 내려친다. 총 4개의 씬으로 구성된 이 퍼포먼스는 소재의 은유를 통해 관계성을 드러내고, 오브제와 행위(자) 간의 상호작용을 실험하는 작업이다.

“Mul”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024


  • Performance:

    Concept by Hyunju Oh

    Performer: Hyunju Oh

  • Documentation:

    Photo: Astrid Karger

  • Support:

    The Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts, Wiesbaden, Germany (HMWK)