“Niemand da”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
Niemand da
Performance, tables, glasses, water, 2023
Solo show “Niemand da - 7 Performances an 7 Tagen”, basis Projektraum - basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
The performance <Niemand da> is performed with several tables and the objects of glasses and bottles of water. The performer pours water into the glasses, followed by a ritual of greeting and toasting. The performer drinks the water, refills the glasses, and repeats the ritual until the absent person’s glass is also full. However, in contrast to the many toasts and greetings, there is no one sitting across from her. By depicting a situation in which there is both “nobody there” and “alone there,” the performance connects with cultural elements and quietly reveals the language of longing.
Die Performance <Niemand da> wird mit mehreren Sitztischen und den Objekten Gläser und Wasserflaschen aufgeführt. Die Performerin gießt Wasser in die Gläser, gefolgt von einem Begrüßungsritual, um sich gegenseitig mit einem Trinkspruch zu begrüßen. Die Performerin trinkt das Wasser, füllt die Gläser und wiederholt das Ritual, bis auch das Glas des abwesenden Gegenübers gefüllt ist. Im Gegensatz zu den vielen Trinksprüchen und Begrüßungen sitzt ihr jedoch niemand gegenüber. Durch die Darstellung einer Situation, in der sowohl “niemand da” als auch “allein da” ist, verbindet sich die Performance mit kulturellen Elementen und enthüllt auf stille Weise die Sprache der Sehnsucht.
퍼포먼스 <Niemand da>(KR: 아무도 없는 그곳)는 여러 좌식 테이블과 유리잔, 물병의 오브제와 함께 진행된다. 퍼포머는 상대방의 잔에 물을 부으며 맞이하는 의식/인사를 시작한다. 퍼포머는 물을 마시고, 계속해서 서로의 잔을 채워주며 존재하지 않는 상대방 잔에 물이 차오를 때 까지 이 의식을 반복한다. 그러나 여러 번의 건배와 인사와는 달리 퍼포머가 마주한 자리에는 아무도 없다. “Niemand da”(아무도 없는 그곳)이면서도 동시에 “Allein da”(그곳에 홀로)의 상황을 보여주는 이 퍼포먼스는 문화적 요소와 연결하여 그리움의 언어를 고요히 드러낸다.
“Niemand da”, performance, basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2023
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Hyunju Oh
Space supported by
basis Frankfurt e.V., Germany