Blue Burn
Immersive audio drama installation & performance, 14 channel audio, 2 channel video, 10 channel light, 2 photo prints, drawing, mixed media, 00:12:50, 2022
# Contradiction
# Contrast
# Fragility and Complexity
<Blue Burn> is an intermedia installation with performances based on an audio drama. It consists of a total of 14 channels of sound, 10 channels of lighting, 3 channels of video, audio drama and performance. This work, which consists of objets, sound, lighting and performer(artist) that can make people imagine multiple environments-scenes in one space, express about the 'value of pain'. It was reconstructed based on the situations and emotions of the anesthesia and pain treatment room in the university ward and sceneries such as walking trail, plants and night sky.
This installation handles a world that shows the inner part of the main character of an audio drama and an antithetic world with everyday objets and it is composed of several sound objet scenes and sequences. Furthermore, the work deals external ‘pain’ and internal ‘chaos’ with 'many contradictory phenomena' that can be seen in everyday life.
This work is an experiment on the cognitive interaction between sound, objets, performer and various media. Emotional themes are emphasized with situational direction and aesthetic elements of various sound scenes and layers of in-depth resonance and expressed with the atmosphere of the space and theatrical elements.
<Blue Burn> ist eine intermediale Installation mit Performances auf der Grundlage eines Hörspiels. Sie besteht aus insgesamt 14 Tonkanälen, 10 Lichtkanälen, 3 Videokanälen, einem Hörspiel und einer Performance. Dieses Werk, das aus Objekten, Sound, Beleuchtung und Performern besteht, die den Menschen mehrere Umgebungen und Szenen in einem Raum vor Augen führen können, bringt den "Wert des Schmerzes" zum Ausdruck. Es wurde auf der Grundlage der Situationen und Emotionen des Anästhesie- und Schmerzbehandlungsraums in der Universitätsklinik sowie von Szenerien wie einem Wanderweg, Pflanzen und dem Nachthimmel rekonstruiert.
Diese Installation behandelt eine Welt, die das Innere der Hauptfigur eines Hörspiels zeigt, und eine Gegenwelt mit Alltagsgegenständen. Sie setzt sich aus mehreren Szenen und Sequenzen von Klangobjekten zusammen. Inhaltlich befasst sich das Projekt mit äußerem "Schmerz" und innerem "Chaos" und "vielen widersprüchlichen Phänomenen", die im täglichen Leben zu beobachten sind.
Diese Arbeit ist ein Experiment über die kognitive Wechselwirkung zwischen Klang, Objekten, Performern und verschiedenen Medien. Emotionale Themen werden durch die situative Ausrichtung und die ästhetischen Elemente verschiedener Klangszenen und Schichten tiefgehender Resonanz hervorgehoben und durch die Atmosphäre des Raums und theatralische Elemente zum Ausdruck gebracht.
<Blue Burn>은 퍼포먼스와 함께 진행되는 오디오 드라마를 기반 인터미디어 설치 작품이다. 총 14개의 사운드 채널, 10개의 조명 채널, 2개의 영상, 오디오 드라마 및 공연 채널로 구성된다. 공간에서 여러 상황과 장면을 상상하게 하는 오브제, 사운드, 조명, 퍼포머(아티스트)로 구성된 이 작품은 '고통의 가치'를 표현, 대학병동 마취통증치료실의 상황과 감정, 산책로, 식물, 밤하늘 등의 풍경을 바탕으로 재구성되었다.
이 설치물은 오디오 드라마 속 주인공의 내면을 보여주는 세계와 일상의 오브제와 대조되는 세계를 다루고 있으며, 여러 개의 사운드 오브제 장면과 시퀀스로 구성되어 있다. 나아가 일상에서 볼 수 있는 '여러 모순적 현상'으로 '고통'과 내면의 '혼돈'을 함께 다룬다.
이 작업은 소리, 오브제, 공연자와 다양한 매체 사이의 인지적 상호작용에 대한 실험으로, 다양한 사운드 씬의 상황적 연출과 미학적 요소로 감성적 주제를 강조하고, 공간의 분위기와 연극적 요소로 깊이감 있는 공명을 표현한다.
"I'm here because I am sick, but why do I have to hurt more!"
"Mom, Mom, Mom"
An excerpt from <Blue Burn>, 2022
"Would you like to touch the leaves?
Is it warm?
Is the living plant warm?"
"The sky without sun or moon.
It's dark but it is the quietest time."
"It was foggy one day.
I couldn't see it because it was so dark,
but when I looked up at the sky, blue stars were shining."
"It was a blue burn." "It was a good rain."
An excerpt from <Blue Burn>, 2022
Concept by Hyunju Oh
All credits to Hyunju Oh
Script, object design, space design: Hyunju Oh
Performer of audio drama, narration of audio drama: Hyunju Oh
Sound, video, audio, lighting system programming: Hyunju Oh
Photo, drawing: Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Photo and film : Hyunju Oh
Production funding & support:
Film & Media Promotion of Young Talent Rhineland-Palatinate - Ministry of Science, Continuing Education, and Culture (MWWK) of the State of Rhineland-Palatinate
Mainz School of Music, Germany