
hier, anderswo (EN: here, elsewhere) (2022)

“hier, anderswo”, audio drama installation, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden - Centre for Contemporary Art (2022)

hier, anderswo

Audio drama installation, 6ch audio, wardrobe, LED candles, cloth diaper for babies, 00:08:08, 2022

  • Nomination: In the German selection (GNM) and official submit to international jury for ISCM (International Society for Contemporary Music) World Music Days 2024 (Host country: Faroe Islands), Section Federal Republic of Germany of the International Society for Contemporary Music, Berlin, Germany, 2023

  • Solo show “hier, anderswo“, 24 Nov 2022 - 5 Mar 2023, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden - Centre for Contemporary Art (Curator: Elke Gruhn), 2023

  • Solo show “liebe.mutter”, Jun 29 2024 - Jul 21 2024, KunstKulturKirche Allerheiligen, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024

# Protection zone

# Darkness and warmth

# Child’s point of view


The audio drama installation <hier, anderswo> (EN: here, elsewhere - 2022) consists of an old wardrobe and a long, white cloth diaper for babies. Another 5 speakers are distributed around the wardrobe in the exhibition space. An audio passage lasts 8 minutes.

<hier, anderswo> begins with the voice of a girl (voice: Anna Hensel) who is imaginarily hiding in the closet. The work invites the audience to discover the allegory of different scenes while listening to the story of the girl talking to herself. The work conveys a double perspective on the inner protection zone (embracing) with darkness and warmth from a child's point of view.

The associated 5-channel surround sound (water, wind, rustling leaves, etc.) makes emotions, memories and the existence of the girl associatively experienceable. These can be collective as well as individual.


Die Hörspiel-Installation <hier, anderswo> (2022) besteht aus einem alten Kleiderschrank (darin: LED-Kerzen, ein Lautsprecher, Abspieltechnik) und einer langen, weißen Baby-Stoffwindel. Weitere 5 Lautsprecher sind im Ausstellungsraum um den Kleiderschrank herum verteilt. Ein Audio-Durchgang dauert 8 Minuten.

<hier, anderswo> beginnt mit der Stimme eines Mädchens (Stimme: Anna Hensel), das sich imaginär in dem Kleiderschrank versteckt. Die Arbeit lädt das Publikum ein, die Allegorie verschiedener Szenen zu entdecken, während es der Geschichte des Mädchens lauscht, das mit sich selbst spricht. Die Arbeit vermittelt eine Doppelperspektive auf die innere Schutzzone (Umarmung) mit Dunkelheit und Wärme aus kindlicher Sicht.

Der dazugehörige 5-Kanal-Surround-Sound (Wasser, Wind, Blätterrauschen etc.) macht Emotionen, Erinnerungen und die Existenz des Mädchens assoziativ erfahrbar. Diese können ebenso kollektiv wie individuell sein.


오디오 드라마 설치 <hier, anderswo>(EN: 여기, 다른 곳 - 2022)는 낡은 옷장과 하얀 천 기저귀로 구성되어 있다. 옷장 주변에는 5개의 스피커가 전시 공간 벽면에 설치되어 있다. 오디오 구절은 8분간 지속된다.

<hier, anderswo>는 옷장 속에 숨어 있는 소녀(배우: Anna Hensel)의 목소리로 시작한다. 이 작품은 혼잣말을 하는 소녀의 이야기를 들으면서 관객으로 하여금 다양한 장면의 알레고리를 발견하게 한다. 작품은 아이의 시선으로 바라보는 어둠과 따뜻함으로 내면의 보호지대(포옹)에 대한 이중적 시선을 전달한다.

연결된 5채널 서라운드 사운드(물, 바람, 마른 나뭇잎 소리 등)는 소녀의 감정, 기억 및 존재를 연상적으로 경험할 수 있도록 한다. 그리고 이들은 공동적이면서도 개인적으로 작용될 수도 있다.



  • Concept by Hyunju Oh

    Script & sound composition: Hyunju Oh

    Voice: Anna Hensel

  • Documentation

    Photo and film : Hyunju Oh

  • Special thanks: Stefan Fricke, Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden

Production support:

  • Nassauischer Kunstverein Wiesbaden - Centre for Contemporary Art.