Performance Series <Without Words>
Multi channel video installation / 3 channel video installation, 00:18:00, 2020
Group show “Open Park Haus August as Part of the Ortstermin 20 Art Festival”, ZK/U (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik - Center for Art and Urbanistics), Berlin, Germany, 2020)
Group show “Regionale 5”, Palais für aktuelle Kunst, Glückstadt, Germany, 2020)
Group show “Regionale 5”, Pavillon der Overbeck-Gesellschaft, Lübeck, Germany, 2020
Group show “Regionale 5”, Gallery Cube+ & ONSpace, Kiel, Germany, 2020
Group show “Internationales Festival für Aktuelle Klangkunst OPENING 21”, Trier, Germany, 2021
Group show “Touch Base”, basis Projektraum - basis Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2022
Solo Show “Ohne Worte” - as part of the Festival New Music, Museum for Art Rockenhausen, Germany, 2023
# Without Words
# Causeless
# Object and Emotion
The video work for the performance series <Without Words> consists of three performances that deal with emotions and actions from silence. The performances are accompanied by objects from 'door', 'kettle and mirror' and 'tree and mirror'.
The acts such as sighing, whistling, water boiling, water flowing back to the floor, soothing and stroking the body, can evoke a variety of associations with different metaphorical objects.
Furthermore, the variations resulting from a single action are intended to continuously generate implied meanings and layers of narrative through the silhouette, movement and speed/time of the performer.
Die Videoarbeit für die Performanceserie <Without Words> besteht aus drei Performances, die sich mit Emotionen und Handlungen aus der Stille beschäftigen. Die Performances werden von den Objekten "Tür", "Wasserkocher und Spiegel" und "Baum und Spiegel" begleitet.
Die Handlungen wie Seufzen, Pfeifen, kochendes Wasser, auf den Boden zurückfließendes Wasser, Beruhigen und Streicheln des Körpers können eine Vielzahl von Assoziationen mit verschiedenen metaphorischen Objekten hervorrufen.
Darüber hinaus sollen die Variationen, die sich aus einer einzigen Handlung ergeben, durch die Silhouette, die Bewegung und die Geschwindigkeit/Zeit des Performers kontinuierlich implizite Bedeutungen und erzählerische Ebenen erzeugen.
퍼포먼스 시리즈 <Without Words>의 영상 작업은 침묵의 감정과 행위를 다루는 세 개의 퍼포먼스로 구성된다. 이 퍼포먼스는 '문', ‘전기포트와 거울', '나무와 거울’의 오브제와 함께 보여준다.
한숨, 휘파람, 끓는 물, 바닥으로 흘러내리는 물, 신체를 달래고 보듬어주는 행위는 다양한 은유적 대상과 연관성을 불러일으킬 수 있다.
이와 더불어, 한 행위에서 비롯된 여러 변형들은 퍼포머의 실루엣, 움직임 및 속도 / 시간을 통해 암시적인 의미와 내러티브의 층을 지속적으로 유도한다.
#1 - Credits:
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Thanks to Stefan Fricke
Film shooting: Hyunju Oh
Sound recording: Hyunju Oh
Editing, photo: Hyunju Oh
Thanks to Anke Eckardt
Thanks to Sunmi Jin for providing the venue.
#2 - Credits:
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Film shooting: Hyunju Oh, Seongwon Park
Sound recording: Hyunju Oh, Seongwon Park
Editing, Photo: Hyunju Oh
Thanks to Anke Eckardt, Stefan Fricke
Thanks to ZK/U Berlin (Center for Art and Urbanistics) for providing the venue.
#3 - Credits:
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Film shooting: Christopher Dahm, Danbi Jeung
Sound recording: Christopher Dahm, Danbi Jeung
Editing, Photo: Hyunju Oh
Thanks to Anke Eckardt
Production funding & support:
Arts Council Korea