
Mutter. Seele. Allein (EN: Mother. Soul. Alone) (2024)

“Mutter. Seele. Allein“, immersive audio drama installation, LTK4 · Klangbasierte Künste Köln, Cologne, Germany (2024)

Mutter. Seele. Allein

Immersive audio drama installation, 6ch audio, water bowl, water, bell, 00:10:06, 2024

  • Group show “SOIRÉE SONIQUE #89 RITUALE”, Nov 27 2024 - Nov 30 2024, LTK4 · Klangbasierte Künste Köln, Cologne, Germany, 2024


In Buddhist East Asia and the shamanistic tradition of Korea, the soul remains in the world for 49 days after a person's death before moving on to another life. If someone dies in anger or in a similar way, the soul cannot simply leave the world: it often manifests itself in the dreams of relatives. Inspired by the German word 'muttersellenallein' (literally: mother-soul-alone), which refers to the most solitary of human emotions, the narrative sound installation <Mutter. Seele. Allein> (EN: Mother. Soul. Alone), in which the spirit of a recently deceased mother searches for her daughter, is shaped by this idea. The two have been separated for a long time in this world. Now the dead mother fears that they will lose each other forever if they are not in the same heaven in the afterlife. In <Mutter. Seele. Allein> (EN: Mother. Soul. Alone), they meet for the last time: invisible, non-physical. A multi-channel audio file picks up this narrative through symbolic-semantic sounds and a few sentences about presence and absence (voice: Birgitta Assheuer). Combined with unobtrusive installation objects - a bell floating above a larger bowl filled with water - an imaginary farewell ritual is created.


Im buddhistischen Ostasien und in der schamanistischen Tradition Koreas bleibt nach dem Tod eines Menschen die Seele noch 49 Tage in der Welt, ehe sie in ein anderes Leben übergeht. Stirbt jemand in Wut, Bitternis o.ä., kann die Seele die Welt nicht einfach so verlassen: Sie meldet sich oft in den Träumen der Angehörigen. Die Audio-Drama-Installation <Mutter. Seele. Allein>, in der der Geist einer gerade gestorbenen Mutter nach ihrer Tochter sucht, ist von dieser Idee geprägt. Beide waren lange voneinander im Diesseits getrennt. Nun hat die tote Mutter Angst, dass sich beide für immer verlieren könnten, wenn sie im Jenseits nicht im selben Himmel sein werden. In „Mutter. Seele. Allein“ begegnen sie sich nun ein letztes Mal: unsichtbar, nicht-physisch. Die Audio-Surrond-Arbeit greift diese Erzählung auf: durch symbolisch-semantische Sounds und einige Sätze über An- und Abwesenheit (Stimme: Birgitta Assheuer). Kombiniert mit dezenten Installations-Objekten – über einer größeren mit Wasser gefüllten Schale schwebt quasi Glöckchen - entsteht ein imaginäres Ritual des Abschieds.


동아시아 대승불교문화와 한국 샤머니즘 전통에는 인간의 영혼이 사후 49일간 현세에 머물며, 그 기간이 지나면 다음 생으로 윤회한다고 여긴다. 인간의 가장 고독한 감정을 나타내는 독일어 단어 “muttersellenallein”(직역: 어머니의 영혼이 홀로 있는)에서 영감을 받은 내러티브 사운드 공간 설치물 <Mutter. Seele. Allein>(EN: Mother. Soul. Alone)은 최근 세상을 떠난 어머니의 영혼이 딸을 찾는 오디오 드라마 설치 작품이다. 두 사람은 이 세상에서 오랫동안 헤어져 있었다. 그리고 이제 그 죽은 어머니는 같은 하늘 아래에서 서로를 영원히 볼 수 없게 되는 것을 두려워한다. 이 작품에서 그들은 보이지 않는 비물질적 존재로 마지막 만남을 가진다. 멀티채널 오디오는 상징적이고 의미심장한 사운드와 존재와 부재에 관한 여러 문장(성우: 비르기타 아스호이어)으로 이 내러티브를 전달한다. 이는 물이 가득 담긴 큰 수반 위에 띄워진 작은 종의 설치물과 결합하여 가상의 작별 의식을 연출한다.

“Mutter. Seele. Allein“, immersive audio drama installation, LTK4 · Klangbasierte Künste Köln, Cologne, Germany (2024)


  • Concept by Hyunju Oh

    Script & sound composition: Hyunju Oh

    Voice: Birgitta Assheuer

  • Documentation

    Photo and film : Hyunju Oh

Production support:

  • Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts, Wiesbaden, Germany (HMWK)

  • Kulturamt Köln - Cologne Cultural Office as part of the program KLANGKOLCHOSE NRW.acht