
Spuren (EN: Traces) (2021)

Spuren, immersive audio drama installation, Kulturbahnhof Idstein, Germany, 2021 (Photo: Hyunju Oh)

Spuren (EN: Traces)

Immersive audio drama installation, 16 speakers, 2 channel video, 4 channel lighting system, 00:15:00, 2021

  • Solo show “Spuren” - as part of the Sound Art Project for Sound Art in Industrial Culture - Frankfurt RheinMain Cultural Fund, Kulturbahnhof Idstein, Idstein, Germany, 2021 (Curator: Dr. Julia Cloot - KulturFonds Frankfurt Rheinmain)

# Historical Context

# Coexistence of Past and Present

# Sound and Time Layers


The listed former freight depot in Idstein, located near Frankfurt am Main, Germany, has been used as a venue for cultural events since 2014.

The work is based on a 15-minute audio drama with memory scenes of the history of the Kulturbahnhof (Idstein Cultural Station). It is combined with installative objects in the hall of the Kulturbahnhof, which once served as a storage space for various freights.

Through the positioning of the objects in the space and the sound reminiscent of the history of industrialization and cargo history, the different layers of time can be experienced side by side in the space.


Die denkmalgeschützte ehemalige Güterhalle in Idstein wird seit 2014 als Ort für Kulturveranstaltungen genutzt.

Die Arbeit basiert auf einem 15-minütigen Hörspiel mit Erinnerungsszenen an die Geschichte des Kulturbahnhofs. Es wird mit installativen Objekten in der Halle des Kulturbahnhofs kombiniert, die einst als Lagerraum für verschiedene Frachten dienten. 

Durch die Positionierung der Objekte im Raum und den Sound, der an die Geschichte der Industrialisierung und der Frachtgeschichte erinnert, werden die verschiedenen Zeitschichten im Raum nebeneinander erlebbar.


독일 프랑크푸르트 근교에 위치한 이드슈타인시의 전(前) 화물창고는 2014년부터 Kulturbahnhof Idstein (이드슈타인 문화역)로 리모델링하여 문화행사 장소로 사용되고 있다.

이 작품은 15분 오디오 드라마를 기반으로 Kulturbahnhof의 역사를 그린다. 이 오디오 드라마는 한때 다양한 유형의 화물을 보관하는 공간으로 사용되었던 Kulturbahnhof 홀의 설치 오브제와 함께 결합된다.

산업화의 역사와 화물의 역사를 방불케 하는 공간 속 사물의 배치와 소리는 공간 속 서로 다른 시간의 층위를 나란히 체험할 수 있게 한다.


"Where they come from, also where they go.

The traces that have passed make traces that can pass"

An excerpt from <Spuren>, 2021


Preview version: Spuren, Kulturbahnhof Idstein, Germany, 2021

Photo: Alexander Paul Englert

Photo: Alexander Paul Englert

Photo: Alexander Paul Englert

Photo: Alexander Paul Englert

Spuren, immersive audio drama installation, Kulturbahnhof Idstein, Germany, 2021 (Photo: Hyunju Oh)


"Leaving traces on the ground,

leaving clouds in the sky."

"Still piled up somewhere and the wheels keep turning."

An excerpt from <Spuren>, 2021


Photo source: Idstein City, Germany

Photo before the renovation of the building: Idstein City, Germany


Photo: Idstein City, Germany

Photo before the renovation of the building: Idstein City, Germany

Video still 1

Video still 2

Camera moving version: Spuren, Kulturbahnhof Idstein, Germany, 2021



  • Concept by Hyunju Oh

    All credits to Hyunju Oh

    Script of audio drama: Hyunju Oh

    Narration and performance of audio drama: Hyunju Oh

    Sound, video, space design, lighting composition and programming: Hyunju Oh

  • Documentation:

    Photo: Alexander Paul Englert, Hyunju Oh

    Video: Hyunju Oh

Production funding & support:

  • KulturFonds Frankfurt Rheinmain - Cultural Fund Frankfurt RheinMain

  • Kulturregion Frankfurt Rheinmain - Cultural Region Frankfurt RhineMain

  • Idstein City.