
Blowing (2018)

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Sound installation, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design, 2018 4 channel sound
Bricks, Speakers, Audio cable

  • Group show “Einblick Ausblick”, Muthesius University of Fine Arts and Design, Kiel, Germany, 2018

  • Group show “Masters - Die Fünfte, Atelierhaus am Anscharpark”, Kiel, Germany, 2019


Speakers beneath broken or cracked bricks, and sound of sigh and healing breath.

The work is about the relationship between wound, pain and healing. The relationship between sigh from frustrating or difficult situations, wound and healing breath is formed with broken bricks and speaker location.

Together with this action, physical power from speakers, in which vibrations transferred to debris throws question about the act of healing simultaneously.


깨지거나 갈라진 벽돌 아래 있는 스피커, 그리고 한숨과 치유의 호흡 소리.

작품은 상처, 통증 및 치유의 관계를 설명한다. 좌절하거나 어려운 상황, 상처 및 치유 호흡으로 인한 한숨의 관계는 깨진 벽돌과 스피커 위치로 형성된다.

이러한 호흡 행위와 함께, 스피커의 물리적 힘을 통해 파편으로 전달된 진동은 동시에 치유 작용에 대해 의문을 제시한다.



  • Installation:
    Concept, sound recording, sound design, editing: Hyunju Oh

    Thanks to: Arnold Dreyblatt

  • Documentation:
    Film Shooting, sound recording, editing, photo: Hyunju Oh