
Without Words (2020)


Performance Series <Without Words> #1

00:05:53, 2020

  • Screening: “Open Park Haus August as Part of the Ortstermin 20 Art Festival”, ZK/U (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik - Center for Art and Urbanistics), Berlin, Germany, 2020

  • International Conference “Pantopia vs. New Normal. Contextual and Intercultural Perspectives”, Mainz, Germany, 2022

  • Solo performance “OMA MA A - 7 Stunden 7 Performances“, basis Frankfurt Projektraum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024


This performance is the <Without Words> performance series #1, which shows the relationship between the door and the performer. The emotional situation is created by the composition of the breath. This work breaks down the exhalation behavior.

  • The door is slightly opened, and the performer makes a sound between the gaps.

  • Light sigh

  • The sound of blowing over a wound

  • The exhalation is getting harder, turning into a deep sigh

  • Turn into a strong wind-like sound, acting like pushing a door out with strength

  • The strength of the breath weakens and the sound of thin tone comes through the door.

  • Steadily turns into a strong, long whistle

  • As the sound weakens with a light sigh, ends without the door open.


Die Performance <Without Words> zeigt die Beziehung zwischen der Tür und der Performerin. Die emotionale Situation wird durch die Komposition des Atems geschaffen. Diese Arbeit bricht die Ausatmung auf.  

- Die Tür wird leicht geöffnet und die Performerin macht einen Ton zwischen den Lücken.

Leichter Seufzer.

- Ein Geräusch wie das Pusten auf eine Wunde.

- Die Ausatmung wird härter und geht in einen tiefen Seufzer über.

- Es wird zu einem starken, windähnlichen Geräusch, als würde man mit Kraft die Tür hinausschieben.

- Die Kraft des Atems wird schwächer und ein dünner Ton dringt durch die Tür.

- Wird allmählich zu einem starken, langen Pfeifton.

- Der Ton verklingt in einem leisen Seufzer und endet, ohne dass die Tür geöffnet wird.


<Without Words> performance series #1 의 퍼포먼스는 문과 퍼포머의 관계를 보여주는 작품이다. 이 작업은 날숨 호흡의 구성으로 감정적 상황을 동시에 연출한다.

  • 퍼포머는 문 틈 사이로 소리를 낸다.

  • 가벼운 한숨

  • 상처를 부는 소리

  • 날숨 호흡이 거듭 힘들어지면서 깊은 한숨 소리로 전환.

  • 문을 밀어내는 듯한 강한 바람 소리로 변화,

  • 점점 숨결이 약해지며 얇은 톤의 소리가 문 틈으로 계속해서 나온다.

  • 강하고 긴 휘파람으로 변화

  • 점차 약한 한숨 소리로 바뀌면서, 문은 열리지 않고 퍼포먼스가 종료된다.



  • Performance:

    Concept by Hyunju Oh

    Performer: Hyunju Oh

    Thanks to Stefan Fricke

  • Documentation:

    Film shooting: Hyunju Oh

    Sound recording: Hyunju Oh

    Editing, photo: Hyunju Oh

    Thanks to Anke Eckardt

  • Thanks to Sunmi Jin for providing the venue

Production funding:

  • Arts Council Korea