Performance Series <Without Words> #1
00:05:53, 2020
Screening: “Open Park Haus August as Part of the Ortstermin 20 Art Festival”, ZK/U (Zentrum für Kunst und Urbanistik - Center for Art and Urbanistics), Berlin, Germany, 2020
International Conference “Pantopia vs. New Normal. Contextual and Intercultural Perspectives”, Mainz, Germany, 2022
Solo performance “OMA MA A - 7 Stunden 7 Performances“, basis Frankfurt Projektraum, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 2024
This performance is the <Without Words> performance series #1, which shows the relationship between the door and the performer. The emotional situation is created by the composition of the breath. This work breaks down the exhalation behavior.
The door is slightly opened, and the performer makes a sound between the gaps.
Light sigh
The sound of blowing over a wound
The exhalation is getting harder, turning into a deep sigh
Turn into a strong wind-like sound, acting like pushing a door out with strength
The strength of the breath weakens and the sound of thin tone comes through the door.
Steadily turns into a strong, long whistle
As the sound weakens with a light sigh, ends without the door open.
Die Performance <Without Words> zeigt die Beziehung zwischen der Tür und der Performerin. Die emotionale Situation wird durch die Komposition des Atems geschaffen. Diese Arbeit bricht die Ausatmung auf.
- Die Tür wird leicht geöffnet und die Performerin macht einen Ton zwischen den Lücken.
Leichter Seufzer.
- Ein Geräusch wie das Pusten auf eine Wunde.
- Die Ausatmung wird härter und geht in einen tiefen Seufzer über.
- Es wird zu einem starken, windähnlichen Geräusch, als würde man mit Kraft die Tür hinausschieben.
- Die Kraft des Atems wird schwächer und ein dünner Ton dringt durch die Tür.
- Wird allmählich zu einem starken, langen Pfeifton.
- Der Ton verklingt in einem leisen Seufzer und endet, ohne dass die Tür geöffnet wird.
<Without Words> performance series #1 의 퍼포먼스는 문과 퍼포머의 관계를 보여주는 작품이다. 이 작업은 날숨 호흡의 구성으로 감정적 상황을 동시에 연출한다.
퍼포머는 문 틈 사이로 소리를 낸다.
가벼운 한숨
상처를 부는 소리
날숨 호흡이 거듭 힘들어지면서 깊은 한숨 소리로 전환.
문을 밀어내는 듯한 강한 바람 소리로 변화,
점점 숨결이 약해지며 얇은 톤의 소리가 문 틈으로 계속해서 나온다.
강하고 긴 휘파람으로 변화
점차 약한 한숨 소리로 바뀌면서, 문은 열리지 않고 퍼포먼스가 종료된다.
Concept by Hyunju Oh
Performer: Hyunju Oh
Thanks to Stefan Fricke
Film shooting: Hyunju Oh
Sound recording: Hyunju Oh
Editing, photo: Hyunju Oh
Thanks to Anke Eckardt
Thanks to Sunmi Jin for providing the venue
Production funding:
Arts Council Korea